AB Recovery proudly provides professional asset recovery services in the tri-county areas of Orange, Riverside, and Los Angeles. AB Recovery distinguishes itself from other asset collection agencies by blending 20 years of experience in collateral collections along with cutting edge technology such as Digital Recognition Network (DRN). DRN digitally scans the license plates of vehicles and through analytics, furnishes the information of where to locate the asset, prioritize collection activities, minimize risk, and identify rate evasion. DRN has been essential in the success of AB Recovery, fueling a 66% growth in staff, fleet, and revenue since inception in 2016.
Now in its third full year of operation, AB Recovery successfully recovers over 4,500 assets per year (includes Cars, Trucks, RV, Big Rigs, Jet Skis, Bikes, ATV’S, and Boats) with 13 employees, 3 vehicles equipped with DRN that solely seek assets to recover, and 3 trucks that collect assets.